Central Asian Stock Exchange Joins FEAS as an Observer

Central Asian Stock Exchange Joins FEAS as an Observer

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Central Asian Stock Exchange Posted

During the 34th Extraordinary General Assembly of the Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges, CASE was approved as an observer of the federation.

Central Asian Stock Exchange – a new financial institution operating at the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan. Central Asian stock Exchange (CASE) was established in April 2015 as a unique platform for organized trading of securities. To the list of CASE shareholders enters GMEX Group- one of the largest companies in the UK that offers innovative solutions and technologies in the field of financial markets. Shares of GMEX Group, in turn, belong to Deutsche Boerse Group – one of the largest exchange organizations in the world.

The main purpose of the CASE – the formation of a convenient, transparent, secure investment environment for local and foreign investors; creating opportunities for attracting additional capital for companies at more favorable conditions in the short and long term; providing the latest technological equipment for professional participants of the stock market. Transactions concluded in the trading room has the guarantee of performance and promote openness and transparency of stock trading.

FEAS is happy to welcome CASE!

More about the company – case.com.tj

 Source: https://feas.org/central-asian-stock-exchange-joins-feas-as-an-observer/

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EL24 1005.39 17.07.2022 10:00:00

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Источник: Investing.com.

Источник: Investing.com.

Источник: Investing.com.