The Strategic Planning Committee was established by the 
resolution of the Board of Directors as an Advisory body, 
which provides effective performance of the Board of Directors 
functions for General management of the company.

      The purpose of the Committee is to ensure the detail 
      elaboration of issues related to the competence of the Board
      of Directors in the field of planning financial and economic activities, 
      for making fully justified recommendations to the Board of Directors, 
      as well as control over execution of decisions of the Board of Directors.



                                            Saidmurodov Niyozmurod
                                           The Chairman of the Committee



Ticker Last price Time
EL24 1005.39 17.07.2022 10:00:00
EL24 1005.39 17.07.2022 10:00:00

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USD 10.6528 -0.0696
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