The professional participant
          of the securities market
          engaged in brokerage 
          Performs operations 
          securities on behalf of clients
          or on their own behalf.


            A professional participant
            in the securities market, performing
            transactions with securities on its
            behalf and at its own expense,
         that is, a person engaged in
            dealer activities.


          A professional participant
          of the securities market, who 
          manages the securities, transferred
          to him for trust management, that is,
          the activity for managing the
          securities portfolio.


            A professional participant
            in the securities market that
            provides services for the storage
            of securities certificates and / or
            performs services to account for
            the transfer of ownership of securities.


          The Professional participant
          of securities market carrying
          out activities on keeping the
          registry of holders of registered
          securities on the basis of the
          contract with the Issuer.


         A professional participant
            of the securities market, carrying
            out activities to identify and
            offset mutual obligations
            of participants in the market.

Ticker Last price Time
EL24 1005.39 17.07.2022 10:00:00
EL24 1005.39 17.07.2022 10:00:00

Currency Exchange rate Change
USD 10.6751 0
EUR 11.5547 0
RUB 0.1204 0
CNY 1.4690 0