The listing Committee is the body responsible for assessment 
    of financial instruments quality and their admission for trading 
    in order to increase the effectiveness of listing matters  
    (inclusion/exclusion of securities ) in Stock Exchange, including
    the transition of securities from one category to another. 

        In order to carry out its tasks and functions, the Committee:

    •     holds Committees meetings of to discuss the issues,  
          submitted for consideration;
    •     If necessary, at meetings of the Committee hears the representatives 
          of the Stock Exchange and the persons invited to the meeting;
    •     develops proposals and recommendations according 
          to issues submitted for consideration;
    •     carry outs other actions according  
          to tasks of Committee.

                                      Samadova Zamira
                                     The Chairman of the Committee






Ticker Last price Time
EL24 1005.39 17.07.2022 10:00:00
EL24 1005.39 17.07.2022 10:00:00

Currency Exchange rate Change
USD 10.7635 0
EUR 11.6827 0
RUB 0.1195 0
CNY 1.4865 0